2 Contribute

How to Contribute New E-Device Research: Two Ways

Preferred Way: Submit changes to the e-device package using Github:

  1. Create a fork off of the primary package: https://github.com/InteragencyEcologicalProgram/e-device

  2. Clone this fork to your own local repository

  3. Render the book:

    • Click on the ‘Build’ pane in the RStudio IDE and Click on ‘Build Book’ tool

    • Or, build the book from the R console:

  1. Compose changes or updates to the book contents

  2. Render the book after you make changes

  3. Submit a pull request with your revisions

Alternative Way: Email proposed changes/edits to the document manager:

  1. Print to pdf each page of the document that needs to be changed using the web browser print options and use a pdf editor to insert comments or changes, Or, just note the bookdown page and the changes needed in a text document.

  2. E-mail these edits to: