13 Big Fin

13.1 Overview

The Big Fin Scientific Data Collection System (DCS) was created for both outdoor and in-lab data collection, with the purpose of decreasing the costs and time associated with gathering and using Field Data. The Big Fin Scientific DCS includes feature and hardware to support fish survey type of applications with an emphasis on keeping collection device costs low.

13.2 Key Features

13.2.1 DCS Tablet Software: DCSLinkStream

Big Fin DCS software “DCSLinkStream” can only be used with Android tablets. Big Fin measurements boards use an open Bluetooth (2.0) protocol which is compatible with all devices, and boards can be hard wired with USB waterproof cables.

DCSLinkStream collects data with a local area network and uses a separate Access db as an interface between field measurements and the final database. Data can be interfaced with a cloud-based storage utility called “DCSUnity”.

The BigFin software DCSLinkStream can be configured to read data from a variety of peripherals

Figure 13.1: The BigFin software DCSLinkStream can be configured to read data from a variety of peripherals

The BigFin software DCSLinkStream is organized into three generic layers that can be customized for the individual application

Figure 13.2: The BigFin software DCSLinkStream is organized into three generic layers that can be customized for the individual application

Screen shot of the DCSLinkStream form within the 'Batch' layer

Figure 13.3: Screen shot of the DCSLinkStream form within the ‘Batch’ layer

Screen shot of the DCSLinkStream form within the 'Record' layer

Figure 13.4: Screen shot of the DCSLinkStream form within the ‘Record’ layer

Screen shot of the DCSLinkStream form within the 'Record' layer

Figure 13.5: Screen shot of the DCSLinkStream form within the ‘Record’ layer

The BigFin software DCSLinkStream provides real-time feedback, both in graphical frequencies and tallied data summaries.

Figure 13.6: The BigFin software DCSLinkStream provides real-time feedback, both in graphical frequencies and tallied data summaries.

The BigFin software DCSLinkStream can be configured to read data from a variety of peripherals

Figure 13.7: The BigFin software DCSLinkStream can be configured to read data from a variety of peripherals

13.2.2 DCS Web Based Tool: DCSUnity

The BigFin DCSUnity software provides a web based data repository and data viewing/organizing interface.  Field data from DSC-LinkStream is automatically pushed to the DCS-Unity online Account.

Figure 13.8: The BigFin DCSUnity software provides a web based data repository and data viewing/organizing interface. Field data from DSC-LinkStream is automatically pushed to the DCS-Unity online Account.

The BigFin software products and the fish boards may be used separately or configured together

Figure 13.9: The BigFin software products and the fish boards may be used separately or configured together

13.2.3 Digital Data-Capture Boards

Big Fin measurement boards can be manufactured in any length up to the largest size, 2.5 meters. Boards are waterproof, lightweight, rugged, and can wash down easily; Easy to maintain. Big Fin boards interface directly with DCSLinkStream and the user can program many input keys along the board. The measurement resolution of the board is 100 microns. The boards gets calibrated initially and can be re-calibrated in 30 seconds. Drift is temperature dependent but the unit does not drift quickly because the electronics keep it warm and relatively stable.

BigFin CEO Chris Carroll demonstrating the water proof control center of the fish measurement boards

Figure 13.10: BigFin CEO Chris Carroll demonstrating the water proof control center of the fish measurement boards

BigFin CEO Chris Carroll demonstrating the use of the stylis with the programmed short-cut buttons for species or other category.

Figure 13.11: BigFin CEO Chris Carroll demonstrating the use of the stylis with the programmed short-cut buttons for species or other category.

BigFin CEO Chris Carroll demonstrating the battery pack on the back of the fish boards which may be changed out if necessary.

Figure 13.12: BigFin CEO Chris Carroll demonstrating the battery pack on the back of the fish boards which may be changed out if necessary.

In 2023, business is moving towards selling board specs so client can 3D print the entire board.

Figure 13.13: In 2023, business is moving towards selling board specs so client can 3D print the entire board.

In 2023, business is moving towards selling board specs so client can 3D print the entire board.

Figure 13.14: In 2023, business is moving towards selling board specs so client can 3D print the entire board.

13.3 Criteria Tables

For in-depth definitions of each criteria, see e-device comparison criteria.

13.3.1 Forms Options

Table 13.1: Forms Options
Category Feature Available Description Group Notes External Reviews
Data entry validation/QC Geo-referencing Yes Can read any data in a NMEA data stream and/or can record continuous GPS data.
Constrained choices from a list Yes User entries can be constrained via drop-down boxes, allowed-entry lists, or range checks.
Rules guiding answer series (e.g., “Conditional Questions” and “Skips”) Yes Data fields can appear or disappear based on entries made in other fields. Data fields can be defined as ‘required.’ Data fields can appear or disappear based on entries made in other fields.
Constrained choices from an external table or set of rules Yes Can compute responses; For example, entered weight data can be checked against predicted values from species-specific l-w regression parameters.
Form Version Control Yes
Real-time Data Review Yes There are several ways to view entered data.
Real-time Edit (“on the fly”) Yes Data can be altered either within the FEED application or directly in the Access data base
Ease of Form Development Intuitive form design tool No The software interprets instructions from a clear text file written in a proprietary scripting language. These instructions tell the software how to interact with the bespoke MS Access data base and with any external devices as well as how to present data screens to the users.
Coding language required? Yes See above
Different styles of question types Yes
Flexibility to configure in a logical order for field entry (e.g., nested desgin) Yes Each application is customized according to the survey’s needs and specifications.
Other IEP Survey needs Permissions Management No Permissions management is not a feature.
Muti-users of an app Yes
Off-line capacity Yes
User Accessability Multiple-language options No
Font adjustment/Speak-to-text No

13.3.2 Data Interface

Table 13.2: Data Interface Options
Category Feature Available Description Group Notes External Reviews
Database interface Cloud-storage Yes Field data can be interfaced with a cloud-based storage utility called “DCSUnity”.
Direct integration with database Yes DCSLinkStream collects data with a local area network and uses a separate Access db as an interface between field measurements and a final database. The transfer to a final database would have to be configured separately. Big Fin offers specific configuration services for a techician service fee.
Integrate data from local tables Yes See above.
Edit after transfer Editing data ‘on-the-fly’ (data already submitted) Yes Edit interface is available. Editing cannot be done within a listing, but has to be done through an edit interface (see Figure 9.7)
Data format Open (standard) format output Yes Data exported from DCSLinkStream is as .CSV files.
Data format logical / useable Yes Data exported from DCSLinkStream is formated in relational tables relative to the 3 main storage layers: study layer, batch layer and individual record layer.
Data transfer Real-time data transfer Yes Big Fin DCSLinkStream software automatically sends all its data to DCSUnity in real-time.
Cloud connectivity & back up Yes Big Fin DCSUnity software is a cloud-based storage, web accessable utility.
Data change logs Audit trails (data version control) ?

13.3.3 Photo Integration and External Sensors

Table 13.3: Photo Integration and External Sensors
Category Feature Available Description Group Notes External Reviews
Photo Integration Collect photo & assoc. with element ?
Ease of interface ?
Multi-photo per element (and # limit) ?
Drawing-on/ Annotating photo ?
X-tern sensors GPS from device Yes DCSLinStream is designed to interface smoothly with many peripheral types, including navigation devices.
Integrate data from bar codes Yes DCSLinStream is designed to interface smoothly with many peripheral types, including barcode readers.
Integrate data from external sensors

13.3.4 Hardware Platforms

Table 13.4: Hardware Platform Options
Feature Available Group Notes External Reviews
Smart Phones and Tablets
-      iOS (phone and tablet) No
-      Android(phone and tablet) Yes
-      Windows 7,8,10, 11 Yes Web-based only: DCSUnity
-      MacOS (computer) Yes Web-based only: DCSUnity
-      Ubuntu Linux Yes Web-based only: DCSUnity

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13.3.5 Security Factors

Table 13.5: Security Factors
Feature Available Description Group Notes External Reviews
Where’s the application/product origins from? company is moving to Virginia
Is the application Cloud based, and if so, where? Yes, .. What service?
Where is the data being stored for the application? Initially on the local computer; automatically pushed to the cloud with *DCSUnity
Is the data center FedRAMP certified? ?
Online Security measures ?

13.3.6 Business Model and Customer Support

Table 13.6: Security Factors
Feature Available Description Group Notes External Reviews
Price (Option 1) ?
Price (Option 2) ?
Business model
Technical Support

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